Friday, December 4, 2009

Does a golf ball fall when dropped on the moon?

if not why-

if yes does it fall faster or slower than dropped on Earth?Does a golf ball fall when dropped on the moon?
Yes. The moon has a gravity field about 1/6 that of the earth. The golf ball will indeed fall. Since the gravity is less than the earth's, the ball will fall slower. Alan Shepherd dropped a golf ball and hit it on Apollo 14. On Apollo 15 David Scott dropped a hammer and a falcon feather at the same time to demonstrate that the objects will fall at the same rate in a vacuum.Does a golf ball fall when dropped on the moon?
slower, but it will fall. eventually :)
Yes, it will drop on the moon. In fact, one of the Apollo astronauts proved this from a broadcast on the moon. He dropped a tool and a feather at the same time on the moon and they struck the surface at the same time. The golf ball will drop faster on the moon because there is no air resistance pushing up against the ball on the moon.
Yes, the moon still has gravity. It would fall more slowly than it would on Earth, since the moon has lower gravity; however, if it fell from a great enough height, it could reach a higher speed than it would on Earth. This is because while the Earth has more gravity, which will make the golf ball accelerate more quickly, the golf ball will hit a terminal velocity on Earth, where air resistance will prevent it from going any faster. The moon has little or no atmosphere, so no terminal velocity would be encountered, and the golf ball would continue to accelerate until it hit the surface.

Easy, huh?
yes it does fall, it falls slower than on earth because the moons gravitational forcs is about 1/6th that of earths
Yes, but much slower

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